Addictions and substance abuse are increasing at breakneck speed in number and population affected, increasingly young.
Scientific research for the prevention and treatment of them requires the collaboration of all. That is why we have this section of donations. Collaborate with us.
You can recover up to 75% of your donations
The first 150 € that will contribute will reduce 75% and from 150 € will deduct 30%. In addition, if you have been helping AESED for more than 3 years, your deduction in this last section increases up to 35%.
For example, contributing 250€ per annum:
For more information, write to or call (+34) 963 406 550.
AESED is a non-profit entity and declared of public utility.
Remember that in order for us to inform the Tax Agency of the amount of your donations it is essential that you have provided us with your ID or NIF and address. Please fill in the form below:
If you want to know the advertising rates of our website, you only need to fill in these fields, send and receive all the information you need, or call (+34) 963 406 550.